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senior-shoppers-3That chill in the air means we are once again entering the holiday season. That means it is time for Jackson seniors to think about family Christmas gatherings and specifically what to give loved ones for the occasion. Christmas has become so commercialized, but the most value thing we give of ourselves is our time.

Holiday etiquette expert Peggy Post says if gift giving with relatives is getting too expensive, it’s okay to scale back or to suggest giving only to kids and not to adults. If a senior has a surplus of stuff, the best way to downsize is to pass things on to other people in the form of gifts (assuming we do not “regift” something in front of the person who originally gave it to us).

The holidays will go smoother if grandparents check before giving children big items that may create hassles in the home or duplicate what the parents have already bought. Seniors also need to focus on presents that are age-appropriate and safe because toddlers and teens will have different tastes and needs. When it comes to young ones, a word of thanks is expected, a thank you note in the mail is appreciated. The same goes for holiday cards.

Don’t assume that a gift has to be a thing that someone can hold in their hand. A promise to spend a day with a grandchild exploring Casey Jones Village, the N.C. & St. L. Depot and Railroad Museum, the International Rock-A-Billy Hall of Fame, or Rusty’s TV and Movie Car Museum is a memory that will last a lifetime in the making.

The holidays are a time to pass on something else… traditions and values. The rituals we follow (family recipes, activities, and stories) pave the way for future generations while young people can learn a lot about peace on Earth by visiting the home-bound elderly who can get very lonely this time of year.

We don’t have that problem at Regency Retirement Village Jackson, where our community will be making Christmas ornaments, greeting Christmas carolers, sitting down to feast together, and enjoying each other’s fellowship while bringing 2014 to a close.

Groups will be at Regency to sing Christmas carols on multiple dates throughout the month. Our Holiday Mart will be Dec. 9th at 1 pm with residents shopping in house at Regency through donated items. Our Christmas Potluck Dinner will be Dec. 18th from 5-7 pm. We can’t wait to share our favorite recipes with you and your loved ones.

On Dec. 23rd, church choirs will perform Christmas carols to entertain residents.

We’re looking forward to a great Christmas this year and wish everyone a fantastic time as you gather with your loved ones.