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Margaret Boyd

Margaret Boyd

Mrs. Boyd was born and raised in Madison County. She graduated from J.B. Young High School in Bemis, Tennessee. She then attended Union University and became a nurse. While attending college, she met the love of her life while on a blind date, and soon Frank Boyd...
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Nail Care September 2nd at 9:00 am D.A.Y. Cosmetology will visit Regency Jackson to do professional nail care for our residents. You won’t want to miss out on some professional pampering! Western Day September 2nd at 2:00 pm We will be having a best-dressed contest...
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

World Environment Day June 5 at 10:00 am We will be enjoying a day outdoors by filling bird feeders and admiring nature on a nature walk. National Bestfriend Day June 8 at 3:00 pm  Bring a picture and a story of how you met your bestfriend to share with each other....